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HomeHow to use Argan OilArgan Magic: Soothing Sunburns and Healing Skin with Nature's Elixir

Argan Magic: Soothing Sunburns and Healing Skin with Nature’s Elixir


Greetings readers! My name is Emily and I’m passionate about natural skincare remedies. In this post, I wanted to share with you all about the amazing healing properties of argan oil and how it can help soothe sunburns and promote healing of the skin.

As summer temperatures heat up, many of us spend more time outdoors enjoying the sunshine. However, prolonged sun exposure without proper protection can lead to painful sunburns. While modern skincare offers temporary relief through aloe vera gels and creams, I’ve found argan oil to be one of the most effective natural remedies for soothing sunburned skin.

Native to Morocco, argan oil is extracted from the kernels of the argan tree through a labor-intensive process primarily done by Berber women. Rich in vitamins and fatty acids, argan oil has been used for centuries in North African folk medicine and cuisine. Only recently has its versatility for skin and hair care gained wider recognition outside of the region.

Through personal experience treating my own minor burns and observing its effects on friends, I’m convinced of argan oil’s skin-healing power. In this post, I’ll explore the botany and traditional uses of the argan tree, examine argan oil’s composition and benefits, and share tips for applying it to soothe and speed recovery of sunburned skin. By the end, I hope you’ll be as enthusiastic as I am about nature’s multi-purpose elixir!

The Argan Tree of Morocco

To understand argan oil’s renowned reparative properties, we must first learn about the unique tree it comes from. Found exclusively in Southwestern Morocco, the argan tree (Argania spinosa) is a drought-resistant evergreen that can live for over 200 years. Reaching heights up to 16 meters, its gnarly branches offer shade and habitat in the hot, arid climate.

Ever-present amongst Moroccan landscapes is the argan tree’s distinctive silvery foliage and clusters of greenish-yellow flowers that bloom from February to May. Its hardy nature made it an important source of sustenance for Berber tribes traversing the region for centuries. Every part of the tree has traditionally been put to use – its wood burned for fuel, leaves fed to livestock, and flowers and fruits harvested throughout the year.

However, it is the argan tree’s nut-like fruits that hold its most valuable commodity: argan oil. Resembling small olives or dried apricots, each fruit encases one to three reddish kernels. Extracting oil from these kernels is no simple task. It requires breaking apart the hard exterior shell with stones to reveal the smooth inner almonds, then grinding and roasting them to draw out the maximum oil content.

Historically, this laborious process was done entirely by hand by Berber women over many hours. They would then press the roasted almonds between stones to slowly yield precious drops of argan oil, worth more than its weight in gold due to its innumerable culinary and medicinal applications. While modern mechanical presses now expedite production, traditional methods are still practiced to produce the finest, chemically unrefined oil known as “virgin” argan oil.

The limited range and low yield of argan trees make their oil extremely rare and expensive. Beyond culinary use and folk remedies, argan oil gained fame among Moroccan elites as a luxurious beauty product worthy of royalty. Even Cleopatra treasured argan oil’s beautifying and restorative properties, according to North African folklore. With its unique composition perfectly tailored by eons of evolution, argan oil’s benefits for skin and health are undeniably potent.

The Composition of Argan Oil

With a plant as storied as the argan tree comes a miraculously balanced composition finely tuned by nature. With nearly 80% of its fatty acid content consisting of oleic acid and linoleic acid, argan oil strikes an ideal ratio that makes it highly nourishing yet easily absorbed into the skin without greasiness. Let’s explore some of its key constituents that lend special healing properties:

  • Vitamin E (tocopherols): Argan oil is exceptionally rich in various forms of vitamin E, which act as powerful antioxidants to repair skin cell damage from UV radiation, pollution and other stressors. This vitamin protects fatty acids from oxidation and promotes collagen formation for healthier skin.
  • Phenolic compounds: Including ferulic acid, plant sterols and several other antioxidant compounds, phenolics help resist free radical activity to defend against premature skin aging. They have anti-inflammatory effects as well.
  • Oleic acid: As the main fatty acid, oleic acid (omega-9) soothes irritation while supporting the skin barrier for protection against moisture loss. It absorbs readily into skin for intensive hydration.
  • Linoleic acid: An essential omega-6 fatty acid, linoleic aids healing of sun-stressed or burned skin. It enhances skin elasticity and stimulates collagen synthesis.
  • Squalene: This natural plant sterol is similar in composition to human sebum and boosts skin cell regeneration. It leaves skin supple yet resilient.

With such an enviable combination of nutrients, antioxidants and omega fatty acids in perfect harmony, argan oil provides deep yet non-greasy nourishment to restore damaged skin to health. Its time-tested effects for soothing burns and scars in Morocco have scientific basis in these potent compounds – exactly what sunburned skin needs most for repair!

Argan Magic: Soothing Sunburns and Healing Skin with Nature's Elixir
Argan Magic: Soothing Sunburns and Healing Skin with Nature’s Elixir

Benefits of Argan Oil for Sunburn Relief

Now that we understand how special argan oil’s composition is, let’s examine its top benefits for easing sunburn discomfort and promoting rapid skin recovery:

  • Hydration: Argan oil intensely hydrates without clogging pores like petroleum jellies can. Its fatty acids are small enough to absorb easily into skin where water content is greatly depleted from UV exposure. This protects against further moisture loss that prolongs pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory action: Studies show argan oil reduces skin inflammation through the action of plant sterols, ferulic acid and other phenolic compounds. They help relieve pain, redness and itching which are hallmark symptoms of sunburn. This speeds healing time.
  • UV protection: Argan oil is packed with powerful vitamin E and other antioxidants to neutralize free radicals generated from sun exposure. Topically applied after burns, it provides further protective benefits against oxidative stress within skin cells.
  • Accelerated wound healing: Omega-6 and -9 fatty acids stimulate fibroblast activity and collagen production for quicker restoration of skin integrity. Squalene mimics the skin’s natural sebum to rebuild healthy cell membranes rapidly too.
  • Scar prevention: By speeding healing without inflammation, argan oil greatly reduces the risk of post-burn hyperpigmentation, infection and scarring that could otherwise result. Sensitive skin benefits especially.
  • Skin barrier repair: Lining the innermost dermal layer is a hydrolipid film formed from sebum, fatty acids and sweat. This protects against dehydration and environmental assaults. Argan oil replenishes lost lipids to normalize barrier function.

In short, by intensely nourishing, soothing and shielding skin, argan oil is perfectly tailored by natural selection to be the ideal solution for sunburn recovery. Its all-encompassing benefits make it unmatched compared to chemical creams or even aloe vera alone.

How to Apply Argan Oil for Sunburns

Now that you understand why argan oil is such a potent remedy, here are my tips for application to get the maximum soothing and healing effects:

  • Cleanse the affected area gently with lukewarm water only – harsh soaps can further strip skin. Pat dry lightly.
  • Apply undiluted argan oil liberally to cover all reddened skin in smooth, circular motions using your ring fingers (the gentlest digits). Massage it in.
  • For face, also dab a small amount around eyes and lips if sunburnt to hydrate delicate areas prone to cracking.
  • Reapply frequently – I suggest every 2-3 hours during daylight and before bed for multiple applications daily as needed.
  • Wear loose, breathable cotton clothing and avoid direct sunlight exposure until skin has fully recovered its normal tone and texture.
  • Drink extra water to stay hydrated internally as skin continues rebuilding its integrity. Consider aloe vera juice as a supplement too.
  • Be patient! Significant relief may not be felt for 6-12 hours as argan oil’s benefits work deeply beneath the surface over time. Stick with regular use for complete recovery.
  • For minor burns without blistering, recovery usually takes 3-5 days. More severe burns may take 7-10 days or longer depending on severity and your individual healing rate. Stick with treatment diligently.
  • Store unused oil in a cool, dark place and apply within 6 months for maximum freshness of nutrients.

With diligent and frequent application following sun exposure according to these guidelines, you can fully trust argan oil to deliver remarkable relief and restore your skin’s resilience better than any other remedy! Its healing magic has been trusted for centuries for good reason.


FAQ 1: How long does it take for argan oil to work on sunburns?

While you may feel some initial relief from argan oil’s hydrating properties, it can take 6-12 hours for its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds to fully start repairing skin damage beneath the surface. Significant redness reduction and pain relief aren’t usually noticed until after several applications over many hours as argan oil’s nutrients penetrate and nourish at the cellular level. For best results, be patient and consistently apply it every few hours for 1-3 days depending on burn severity. Recovery time varies but argan oil will gently and effectively speed the healing process.

FAQ 2: Can argan oil treat more serious sunburns?

Yes, argan oil is actually well-suited even for more severe sunburns. As long as there are no open blisters present, argan oil can be safely applied to reduce swelling, itching and pain from third-degree burns too. Its intense hydration prevents further moisture loss, while fatty acids and antioxidants help repair skin faster to prevent infection and scarring. Keep applying generously every 2-4 hours, wearing loose clothing, staying hydrated and avoiding sun. Monitor for signs of infection like increasing redness, heat or pus discharge and see a doctor immediately if they develop. Otherwise, argan oil works wonders naturally even on worse burns given time.

FAQ 3: Does argan oil protect against future sunburns?

While argan oil delivers powerful healing benefits after sunburns occur, it does not directly provide sun protection on its own. Its nutrients do help repair skin cells damaged by past UV rays and strengthen the natural barrier, but argan oil alone will not prevent future burns. For protection, combine argan oil moisturizer with a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher whenever spending time in direct sunlight. The skin nourishment from argan oil complements the physical blockers in quality sunscreen formulas to provide complete protection as skin heals.

FAQ 4: Can argan oil treat other skin conditions?

Yes, due to its exceptional composition rich in fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants, argan oil has numerous other skincare benefits beyond healing sunburns. It can gently hydrate dry skin, reduce inflammation from conditions like eczema and psoriasis, improve acne-prone skin, minimize signs of aging like fine lines and pigmentation spots, and even add shine to hair. Many people massage a small amount into hands, cuticles or other areas prone to rough skin as a natural, inexpensive moisturizer. Its reparative qualities make argan oil highly versatile for any skin type seeking nourishment and protection from daily stresses.

FAQ 5: How should I store argan oil?

To maintain argan oil’s freshness and maximum nutrient levels, it’s best stored in a cool, dark place away from direct heat or sunlight which can cause oxidation over time. The refrigerator is ideal, as is a dark kitchen cabinet or bathroom medicine chest. When kept securely capped or sealed in these conditions, unrefined argan oil remains fresh for 6-12 months. Once opened, it’s best used within 3-6 months. Check for rancid smells and avoid any argan oil past its expiration date for best results. Proper storage protects its valuable fatty acid profile until needed for smoother, more effective skincare application.

FAQ 6: What type of argan oil is best?

In terms of effectiveness and purity, unrefined or “virgin” argan oil extracted from roasted nuts using traditional cold press techniques offers the most robust nutritional profile close to the original plant. This “virgin” variety is easier for skin to absorb and deliver the full antioxidant, vitamin and fatty acid cargo. Refined argan oil has had beneficial elements like vitamin E removed during industrial high heat processing, making it less hydrating and less able to support skin healing at a cellular level, though still decent. For maximum argan magic, opt for organic, unrefined cold-pressed varieties when possible.


As you can see, using cold-pressed argan oil has tremendous potential benefits beyond just relieving sunburns. With proper application and care, this multitasking elixir sourced from Morocco’s iconic argan trees delivers intense hydration, repairs skin damage, soothes discomfort, and speeds healing to restore your skin’s radiance and resilience. Not only that, but argan oil’s anti-aging effects make it a smart long-term investment for protecting your youthful glow too. While sun safety is always recommended, argan oil ensures that any unintended exposure results in smooth, comfortable skin recovery every time. I hope this information has inspired you to keep a bottle on hand this summer season – you won’t regret harnessing the magic of argan!




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