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Argan Oil: Facts, Tips, and Benefits for Skin, Hair, and Nails

Argan Oil Facts and Tips

The Amazigh people have been using Argan Oil for hundreds of years; therefore, it is part of their identity. The Argan Oil business has so many benefits for locals and the country.
Cosmetic Argan Oil is an effective skin care product for external use and is safe for your body as a head-to-toe treatment. It contains many valuable and vital nutrients for your body, including vitamin E, antioxidants, carotenes, Omega 9, Omega 6, phenols, phenolic acid, squalene, and essential fatty acids.
Before buying Argan Oil, it is imperative to be well informed to make an informed decision because your body deserves the best treatment possible using natural, authentic Argan oil.

One important thing you should be aware of is that Argan Oil deserves an affordable cost for everyone to buy. Yet, the middle agents put the price of Argan Oil at an unbelievably high price, which is not fair.

Yes, the processing of Argan Oil is immensely complex and labor-intensive. It is reasonably expected to offer higher prices to ensure you undoubtedly get the purest of Argan Oil, but it should not be overpriced.

What you should know Before Buying Argan Oil:

The product packaging

  • Do not purchase Argan Oil offered in plastic or clear bottles because light breaks down the natural ingredients of Argan Oil. Therefore, buying Argan Oil packed in dark/amber glass bottles is vital.
  • You should know that sleek packaging, fancy names, and false claims can be tricky. Thus, do not be tricked by fancy skincare brand names that contain Argan Oil.
  • Glass product packaging is recyclable and likewise environmentally friendly.

The Aroma

  • Argan Oil has a moderate nutty fragrance or smells like popcorn or elastic band.
  • The scent should fade after a few minutes of contact with your healthy skin.
  • The very best quality of Argan Oil must be unscented because adding scents/perfume affects the Argan nut’s aroma and its valuable natural nutrients.

The Active Ingredients List

  • You must inspect the ingredients thoroughly and check the percentage of Argan Oil in a bottle.
  • You should only read 100% PURE ARGAN OIL(Argan SPINOSA), the one active ingredient it should contain with no preservatives, fragrant scents, or additives.

The texture

  • Argan Oil should be smooth, non-sticky, and not thick like honey.
  • When using this Oil for the skin, it should quickly get absorbed while presenting a relaxing feeling.

The colour

  • Cosmetic Argan Oil has a golden yellow color. If the color is different or too bright, it is most likely that it has been blended/diluted with other oils.


  • Never mix 100% pure Organic Argan Oil with products containing chemicals. These include shampoos, conditioners, creams, and makeup products.
  • 100 pure Argan Oil loses its effectiveness when mixed with preservatives; therefore, it loses the value of its natural ingredients.
  • When applying Argan Oil, which contains chemicals, it degrades its efficiency and blocks the absorption process in your skin.
  • They add additives and preservatives, like honey, to make it greasy and thick. Therefore, never mix it with anything with chemicals; otherwise, it defeats the purpose. If you ever choose to combine 100% Organic Argan Oil with oils, ensure they are from a natural source, such as natural and essential oils.

Facts About 100 Organic Argan Oil:

  • It is 100% organic and cold-pressed.
  • It is rich in vitamins E and F and has Antioxidant Properties.
  • It is USDA/ECOCERT approved.
  • It is non-greasy, non-sticky, and fast-absorbing.
  • It is paraben-free, sulphate-free, and cruelty-free.
  • It has no fragrances, no preservatives, and no Alcohol.

Benefits of Argan Oil

This Oil has many human health benefits, and here are a few.

  • It hydrates our skin from the inside out.
  • It relieves eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
  • It relieves itchiness, dry hair, and dandruff.
  • It protects dry lips and softens cuticles.
  • It relieves diaper rash, dark spots, and baby cradle caps.
  • It reduces stretch marks and scarring.
  • It protects nails from abrasion and chipping.
  • It reduces eye bags and dark circles.
  • It eliminates frizzy hair and split ends.
  • It reduces blemishes and inflammation.
  • It promotes skin elasticity and suppleness.
  • It reduces wrinkles and soothes sunburn.
  • It bug bites and insect stings.
  • It relieves razor bumps and burns.
  • It relieves irritation and redness after waxing.
  • It softens dry toes and cracked heels.
  • It helps with warts.

Now that you know about Argan Tips and Facts, learn more about this hot commodity, Argan Oil…

Argan Oil Facts and Tips

Argan Oil Facts and Tips: Argan Oil is derived from the inner kernel of an olive-like fruit that grows on the Argan tree. It contains many healthy nutrients, including vitamin E, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, ferulic acid, carotenes, Omega 9, Omega 6, phenols, phenolic acid, and squalene.

These Argan Nutrients are valuable to human skin, hair growth, and nails in so many ways, as they:

  • Help balance the oil production of the skin while maintaining its pH balance. They also protect your skin, hair, and nails from being damaged.
  • Protect your skin from the harmful Chemical effects of the environment. This is because of too much sun exposure, pollution, and harsh environments. You can use it as your daily beauty routine.
  • Prevent irritation and further human skin infections while it hydrates your nails and hair and reduces itchiness and flakiness. Perfect to use in your skincare or haircare routine.

Culinary and roasted, It has many benefits, including:

  1. It helps in expelling toxins and other waste materials in your body.
  2. It helps with the digestive system, metabolism, and intestinal transit
  3. It helps slow the spread of specific cancer cells and helps manage diabetes.
  4. It helps with constipation and Lowers harmful cholesterol levels caused by saturated fat.
  5. It lowers the risk of heart disease by blocking fatty deposits inside the arteries.
  6. It promotes brain performance. It helps with rheumatic and bronchial diseases.
  7. It helps with arthritis as roasted Argan Oil contains many anti-inflammatory compounds and helps manage diabetes.

Extracting Oil for culinary/edible purposes is labor-intensive and requires substantial work.

These are the steps it goes through:

  • They handpick the nuts, dry them, and then remove the soft pulp.
  • They crack them between two stones to reveal the kernels.
  • Roast the kernels found inside the nuts until they are brown.
  • They grind them into an old-fashioned paste using a rotary stone queen.
  • Mix the paste with warm water and squeeze the Argan paste by hand to extract this precious Oil.

The process for cosmetics purposes goes through these steps:

  • The argan fruits are first dried under the hot sun.
  • The fleshy pulp of the nut is removed.
  • They crack the Argan nut to produce the kernels of Argan.
  • The Kernels are then grounded and cold-pressed (not roasted)
  • The extracted Argan Oil was filtered naturally for about ten days to two weeks.
  • Then, it is further refined to make sure it is ready for market.

Everything in the Argan tree is functional, from its trunk to its fruit, for example:

  • The shells are burned for much-needed fuel for locals.
  • The outer pulp provides food for animals and feeds the cattle
  • Thick argan paste is sold for other natural cosmetic products.
  • The tree trunk is used to make furniture, and the branches are used for charcoal.

Oil has cosmetic purposes and is edible as well. Thus, it nourishes the body inside and out. Amazigh people have traditionally used it for many centuries. For them, Oil is a part of who they are and part of their identity. Argan trees are very abundant where Amazigh people live. It has existed for many generations and will continue to be part of the upcoming generations.

The Berber people have used this precious Oil for years and years and have integrated it into their daily consumption routines for centuries. This is because it has unique medicinal, nutritional, and cosmetic properties. Thus, They use it for their cosmetic and dietary needs.
Amazigh people have used it for centuries as a natural skin protector against the southern regions’ dry and hot climates. Argan Oil has been a hot commodity natural product internationally in recent years. It stimulated the world’s economic interest because of its cosmetic properties.

This Oil was recently introduced and re-discovered by the Western world. Many companies integrate Argan into their beauty products. Shampoos, hair products, cosmetic oils, and conditioners are some beauty products they mix Argan Oil with. Unfortunately, cosmetic products from Argan Oil are all full of chemicals, additives, and fragrances.

Diluted Argan oil comprises 95% artificial colorings, preservatives, alcohol, dyes, and perfumes. Yet, there is only 5 % of actual Oil, which defeats the purpose. This is because those chemicals degrade the quality and effects of argan oil.

Facts and Tips:

To get the total value of Oil, it must be 100 % certified organic, Chemical and perfume-free, and cold-pressed. The fact is that Oil should not be mixed with any products that have chemicals in them. Once you combine 100 % pure organic oil with chemical ingredients, it loses the effects of argan oil. Also, preservatives and chemicals hinder the usefulness of natural oil ingredients.

It is vital to check Argan Oil’s authenticity. Besides reading the label, shake the Argan bottle to ensure purity. If bubbles are formed at the top, you know it has been diluted with additives and chemicals.

It is crucial to buy from stores with fair trade when buying Oil from stores or online. Thus, ensure they have a fair-trade sign, certification, and source confirmation. This is to let you know you support locals from where this Oil is processed.

Here are five main reasons you should buy Argan Oil fair trade companies:

  • You directly support the Amazigh women financially because Argan oil is their rich source of steady monthly income. This will help them have enough income to support their daily needs, such as their education and children’s health programs.
  • It helps them earn a steady income without leaving their local communities to work elsewhere. It allows them to increase Argan oil production and their income overall.
  • It helps local producers re-invest in their small businesses. This includes buying mechanical pressing machines while employing other community members.

Argan Tree and Argan Oil: Facts, Tips, and Characteristics

  • Argan Oil is a scarce oil that comes from the fruit of the Argan tree (Argania Spinosa). The Argan forest of Morocco has been a UNESCO-protected biosphere reserve since 1998.
  • Not all Moroccans use Argan Oil because they can not afford it. It is costly to buy 1 liter of edible argan oil. For example, 1 litre of edible Argan oil costs 30 USA.
  • It only grows in the south of Morocco in the semidesert of the Souss Valley. This area covers the Atlas Mountains, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Sahara Desert.
  • Argan Tree doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world, and Argan Oil,” liquid gold,” is considered the most expensive vegetable oil worldwide.
  • The Argan forest covers about 800,000 hectares in Morocco, representing 18 % of Morocco’s forests. Thus, the Argan forest is critical for the country’s natural heritage.
  • Argan producers must get certificates from international standards organizations before exporting the Oil internationally. This certification process requires sustainable financial resources, which can be challenging for some cooperatives.
  • In 2009, the Moroccan government started creating Argan farms using some of the latest irrigation systems. It has rehabilitated 200,000 hectares of Argan trees. This is to increase this precious Oil’s yearly production from 4000 to 10000 tons. A high percentage of it is exported (70%), and only 30 % is consumed nationally.

Argan Oil Facts and Tips:

The Argan Oil tree adapts well to a hot and dry environment. The tree can reach up to ten meters in height. It can survive for about 200 years of age or more. Its roots can be up to 30 meters deep, and it absorbs the moisture during nighttime to keep and retain it for those roots. This allows the tree to survive in harsh weather miraculously. Argan Oil is harvested mainly between May and June in Morocco. The number of Argan trees in Morocco is over 20 million trees.

The Moroccan government’s approach to the argan trade is to meet these goals:

  • Protecting the Argan forest and the environment/ecosystem overall.
  • Developing rural communities, especially where Argan trees grow.
  • Valuing Argan Oil as one of the most considerable economic resources in Morocco

The cooperatives are a vital source of income for some Amazigh people, especially women in southern regions. Three hundred cooperatives employ more than 4,000 women in Morocco. The cooperatives play a significant role in supporting locals where they live—thus reducing migration from rural to urban areas because of their income stability.

Argan Trees maintain the ecological balance and preserve biodiversity by:

  • Retaining the soil and helping with wind erosion
  • Preventing desertification in the semi-arid Atlas region.
  • Being a natural barrier against the Sahara desert in the country’s southwest.

Amazigh women have been extracting Argan Oil for centuries. This legacy has been passed down from generation to generation.

For centuries, Berber women have been using Argan Oil to:

  • Help with various ailments like wrinkles, acne, dry skin, and joint pain.
  • Protect their skin and hair against dry and semidesert living conditions and environments.

Edible Argan Oil is a crucial part of the Amazigh breakfast table in so many ways:

  • It uses a scent that compliments certain dishes.
  • It is mainly used as a dipping oil with fresh Moroccan bread.
  • It is used for salad dressings as It has a slightly nutty flavor.
  • It is used with almonds and honey to create a paste similar to peanut butter called “Amlou.”

Now that you know about Argan Oil’s Facts and Tips, there is more to know about this liquid gold




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