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HomeArgan OilArgan Oil Unveiled: Busting Myths and Revealing Proven Benefits

Argan Oil Unveiled: Busting Myths and Revealing Proven Benefits


Hello everyone! My name is Claire and I’m excited to share with you all I’ve learned about argan oil and its amazing benefits. Argan oil has been used for centuries by Berber women in Morocco, but it’s really gained popularity worldwide in recent years. There’s so much hype around argan oil now, so I wanted to take a deep dive and discover what’s fact and what’s fiction. I hope you enjoy this post exploring both the proven benefits as well as busting some common myths!

Let’s start with a brief overview of argan oil – where does it come from and how is it made? Argan oil comes from the kernels of the argan fruit, which grows on an endemic tree only found in Southwestern Morocco. The argan tree has been cultivated in this region for centuries. To extract the oil, the argan fruits are harvested by hand between May and June. The kernels are then removed from the fruits and slowly roasted to enhance the oil’s flavor and fragrance. Finally, the roasted kernels are crushed either manually or mechanically to release the argan oil inside. This traditional process is very labor intensive and time consuming. Moroccan cooperatives work to sustainably harvest the argan forests and support the women who produce the oil.

The unique fatty acid composition of argan oil is what gives it so many beneficial properties. It’s packed with oleic acid (similar to olive oil), linoleic acid and antioxidant vitamin E. These healthy fats and antioxidants are behind argan oil’s anti-aging, moisturizing and rejuvenating effects. Now let’s explore some of the most commonly touted benefits and separate fact from fiction:

Myth Busting: Argan Oil Does Not Cure Acne

One of the biggest claims you’ll see about argan oil is that it can cure acne. While argan oil does have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that could help tame breakouts, true “cures” for acne are hard to come by. For severe cases of acne, topical argan oil alone likely won’t cut it. However, argan oil may be helpful as part of an overall acne treatment plan including prescription medications, if recommended by a dermatologist.

The fatty acids and antioxidants in argan oil can soothe inflamed skin and reduce excess oil production, two factors in acne. Early research also finds argan oil may inhibit P. acnes bacteria growth. So for mild-moderate acne prone skin, regularly applying argan oil could provide benefits. But serious or cystic acne usually requires a doctor-supervised regimen. Rather than proclaiming it a cure, it’s more accurate to say argan oil may help reduce acne when used as part of a comprehensive skincare routine. Don’t expect miracles from argan oil alone.

Benefit Proven: Reduces Appearance of Scars and Stretch Marks

As it turns out, argan oil really can help improve the look of scars and stretch marks due to its restorative and regenerative properties. Clinical studies have found applying a combination of argan oil and other oils helped reduce the appearance of scars after six weeks.

The high concentration of vitamin E, fatty acids and antioxidants in argan oil aid in collagen production, which is key for scar reduction. These nutrients also act as anti-inflammatories to calm irritated scar tissue. Regular massages with argan oil nourish damaged skin and hasten its repair time. Pregnant women or those gaining/losing weight rapidly can apply argan oil to new stretch marks to hydrated skin and minimize discoloration. For old scars or stretch marks, argan oil promotes smoother, more evenly pigmented texture over time with consistent use. This benefit of argan oil is absolutely proven.

Myth Busting: Not a Miracle Anti-Aging Elixir

Many ads tout argan oil as the holy grail of anti-aging, but the truth is no single product is going to reverse years of sun damage and aging overnight. While argan oil contains several anti-aging compounds, its effects are more subtle when used topically.

Yes, argan oil boosts collagen production, protects skin from environmental stressors with antioxidants and deeply hydrates skin to maintain elasticity. But noticeable wrinkle reduction requires consistent, long term use alongside other proven anti-agers like retinoids and peptides. For maintenance and prevention of future signs of aging, argan oil is fabulous. But if drastic “anti-aging miracles” are promised, skepticism is wise. A balanced skincare routine with multiple active ingredients and lifestyle factors will achieve maximal anti-aging benefits – argan oil alone isn’t a magic bullet. Promoting realistic expectations is important when discussing its anti-aging abilities.

Benefit Proven: Promotes Hydrated, Youthful Looking Skin

While argan oil won’t perform miracles overnight, its hydrating properties are unquestionable. The high oleic acid content allows argan oil to penetrate skin deeply, replenishing lost moisture. Clinical studies show argan oil significantly improves skin hydration, elasticity and radiance within 4-6 weeks. Skin looks plumper and more luminous – like it’s gained a youthful glow – thanks to argan oil’s moisturizing magic.

By hydrating both the surface and deeper layers, argan oil protects skin barrier function so less moisture escapes. It calms dry patches, leaving delicate skin around eyes supple and soft. As a facial oil, argan absorbs quickly without greasy residue, making it ideal for acne and combination skin types too. Simply apply a few drops morning and/or night for noticeably quenched, smooth complexion. This moisture-boosting ability of argan oil has been conclusively demonstrated in research. It’s one of the most hydrating plant oils available for any skin type.

Argan Oil Unveiled: Busting Myths and Revealing Proven Benefits
Argan Oil Unveiled: Busting Myths and Revealing Proven Benefits

Myth Busting: Not a Cure for Hair Loss

While argan oil does contain nutrients like fatty acids and antioxidants that can support scalp and hair health, promising it alone will cure hair loss is false. There’s simply not enough evidence to suggest topical argan oil treatments can reverse genetic balding or other medical causes of alopecia.

What argan oil may assist with is temporary, localized shedding related to stress or illness. By gently massaging a small amount into the scalp, argan oil’s anti-inflammatory properties soothe irritation while also delivering hydration. It creates a favorable environment for hair follicles. Some users report fuller looking hair with less breakage over time with regular argan oil massages. However, severe hereditary hair loss usually requires prescription treatments administered by a physician. For preventative maintenance, argan oil may provide benefits – but not a miracle cure for significant hair thinning.

Benefit Proven: Softens Cuticles & Strengthens Nails

Research confirms argan oil does indeed improve the appearance and condition of nails. As with hair and skin, argan oil’s moisture-rich composition soothes cuticles when massaged in. It eliminates dry, flaky cuticles and hangnails which can cause breakage further down the nail.

Studies have found argan oil promotes nail growth and strength due to high vitamin E levels. Researchers attribute stronger, less brittle nails to vitamin E’s antioxidant protection from environmental stressors like chlorine and chemicals. Over several weeks, participants in clinicals noted significantly reduced chips and splits using an argan oil based nail cream. Regular application achieves gorgeously smooth, supple cuticles frames and stronger nails that grow longer without peeling or snapping. This benefit has been conclusively proven by science.

Myth Busting: Not a Substitute for Sunscreen

Some websites promote argan oil as a natural sunscreen alternative. While it’s true argan contains antioxidants that protect skin, relying on it alone for UVA/UVB blocking is unsafe advice. Its SPF is negligible, around 6 at maximum, providing inadequate broad spectrum protection even with liberal application.

Proper broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 is still necessary when spending time outdoors, even on cloudy days. However, argan oil can be useful as a daily antioxidant boost under sunscreen to aid its photoaging prevention. Apply a couple drops to moisturized skin before your facial sunscreen for added nourishment and protection. Used this way in addition to, not instead of, sunscreen, argan oil supports skin health – just don’t believe marketing touting it as sun protection all on its own. Responsible guidance should never advise substituting real sunscreen.

Benefit Proven: Softens Dry, Chapped Lips

Thin lips lack sebaceous and sweat glands, so they dry out very easily. However, research confirms the emollient and restorative properties of argan oil perfectly hydrate and heal chapped lips. In fact, argan oil may even be superior to petroleum jelly or beeswax balms for soft lips.

It replenishes moisture without leaving a greasy residue like other occlusives can. Your lips will feel plumped and smooth after just one application of argan oil. Regular use helps strengthen delicate lip skin as well. Studies found argan oil based lip balms reduced flakiness and cracking within 1-2 weeks. The vitamin E and antioxidants in argan oil also safely nourish lips, protecting them from environmental damage. So for smooth,


Question 1: Is argan oil comedogenic? Could it clog pores?

Argan oil has a comedogenic rating of 0, meaning it is considered to be non-comedogenic and unlikely to clog pores. Its high oleic acid content allows it to deeply hydrate without leaving a greasy residue on skin. Argan oil readily absorbs into skin without blocking pores. Some people with very oily or acne-prone skin may still experience clogged pores from any oil, but argan oil is less comedogenic than other plant oils and shouldn’t cause issues for most skin types. Always do a patch test first if concerned.

Question 2: How do I choose an argan oil and ensure it’s pure?

Look for cold-pressed, unrefined argan oil that is labeled as 100% pure Moroccan liquid gold. It will have a light, nutty smell. Cheap oils could be diluted or rancid. Cooperative-produced oils directly support women artisans. Leading brands include Moroccanoil, Jason, Jouer and Acure. Check that packaging prevents oxidation. To ensure quality, choose from reputable sellers and read reviews from customers with similar skin/hair type as you.

Question 3: What’s the best way to use argan oil for hair and scalp?

Massage a dime-sized amount into your scalp and lightly through damp or dry hair focusing on ends. Covering with a shower cap for 30 minutes once a week deep conditions hair. For daily use, apply a pea-sized oil to ends to tame frizz and add shine. Argan oil is safe for all hair types but oily hair may need less regular use. Use after shampooing or as a stand-alone pre-wash mask for extra hydration.

Question 4: Can argan oil be used for stretch marks or scars? How?

Yes! Argan oil is great for fading the appearance of old or new stretch marks and scars. Gently massage a small amount into marks once or twice daily, increasing collagen production over time. For new, inflamed marks, argan oil may help reduce redness and itching as they fade. Be consistent – it can take 4-6 weeks to see improvements. Look for stretch mark cream containing 10-15% argan oil concentration for best results.

Question 5: How often should I use argan oil on my face and body?

Frequency depends on your skin type and concerns. Oily or acne-prone skin may use it 2-3 times a week while very dry skin may apply it daily, even twice daily. As a facial moisturizer, 1-2 pumps applied after cleansing and toning is usually sufficient. With a body oil, 2-3 pumps can hydrate limbs while 5-6 pumps moisturizes larger areas. Consistency is key for skin rejuvenation – try to incorporate argan oil at least 5 times weekly.

Question 6: Can teenage skin benefit from argan oil?

Absolutely! Teen skin is prone to breakouts, redness, and oiliness due to hormones. Argan oil supports natural skin balance at this age. Its non-comedogenic formula hydrates without clogging pores. Use a pea-sized amount after cleansing to smooth and protect facial skin. For spot treatments or scarring post-pimple, apply argan oil alone or under moisturizer. It’s also safe for teenage hair care and can be dabbed on cuticles too. To start, do a patch test and introduce slowly into your routine.


In conclusion, argan oil offers numerous proven skin, hair and nail benefits when used regularly as part of a healthy routine. Its plant-based nutrients hydrate, protect from damage, and soothe irritation or flaws like scarring. While not a miracle treatment, argan oil provides gentle nourishment from head to toe when applied topically. Always do patch tests, choose pure products, and use as directed for your individual needs and concerns. With consistent application, argan oil can enhance natural youthfulness and glow from the inside out.




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