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HomeArgan Oil CooperativesArgan Oil Cooperatives and Environmental Conservation

Argan Oil Cooperatives and Environmental Conservation


When most people think of Morocco, images of beautiful landscapes, vibrant cities, delicious cuisine and warm hospitality come to mind. However, there is so much more to this fascinating North African country than initially meets the eye. One aspect of Moroccan culture that is gaining increased global attention is the sustainable argan oil industry.

Argan oil has been prized for centuries by Berber women in southwestern Morocco for its numerous culinary and cosmetic uses. However, it is only relatively recently that the rest of the world has started to catch on to its remarkable health and beauty benefits. Concurrently, efforts have ramped up to conserve the unique argan forest ecosystem from which this ‘liquid gold’ is derived. Cooperatives play a vital role in both sustaining argan oil production as well as protecting the environment.

In this blog post, I aim to provide an overview of the argan oil cooperatives movement in Morocco and explore its tangential relationship with environmental conservation. I will discuss the origins and traditional uses of argan oil. Furthermore, I will examine the establishment of cooperatives and how they economically empower local Berber women while safeguarding fragile forests. Lastly, I will consider some of the challenges faced and future opportunities for argan oil and cooperatives to make an even bigger positive impact.

Origins and Traditional Uses of Argan Oil

The argan tree is endemic to the arid southern regions of Morocco, primarily growing in the provinces of Essaouira, Taroudant and Agadir over an area of around 800,000 hectares. Distinguished by its twisted branches and small, grey-green leaves, it has adapted extraordinarily well to withstand heat, drought and poor soils. For centuries, it has provided shade, firewood and food to local Berber communities.

However, the primary product derived from argan trees which has sustained the livelihoods and traditions of Berber women is argan oil. Produced through a laborious traditional process, argan oil extraction is celebrated in Moroccan folklore as a symbol of perseverance. After harvesting the small argan fruits, the nuts are removed and roasted to aid cracking. Then, they are ground by hand with stone mills before being pressed to extract the precious oil within.

With its inherently high concentration of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids like oleic acid and linoleic acid, argan oil possesses exceptional nutritional value. Traditionally, Berber families have incorporated it extensively into their cuisine to add flavor and moisture to tagines, couscous and breads. Beyond culinary uses, argan oil also forms the cornerstone of Berber beauty rituals dating back generations. Applied topically, its anti-aging and healing properties nourish skin and hair while simultaneously treating conditions like eczema.

Yet despite being integral to Berber cultural identity and livelihoods, the argan oil industry remained small-scale for many years. Production was limited due to tedious manual methods and lack of access to broader markets. Thus, most oil produced was consumed domestically with only small quantities exported. All this was set to change with the advent of cooperatives in the late 20th century.

Establishment of Argan Oil Cooperatives

In the 1970s and 1980s, several factors converged which helped usher in the argan oil cooperative movement. Growing global interest in natural products as well as investments by international development organizations created new opportunities. At the same time, declining livestock herds and therefore incomes exacerbated rural poverty in argan regions. This pushed many Berber women to seek alternative livelihood options.

In 1985, the very first argan oil women’s cooperative was founded in the village of Imouzzer Kandar. Since then, over 150 cooperatives have sprouted up across argan tree growing areas with membership totaling approximately 30,000 women. Cooperatives aim to organize argan oil production on a larger, more organized commercial scale through pooled resources and shared infrastructure. This enables greater output as well as access to national and international distribution networks.

As cooperative members, women come together to process argan nuts, extract oil and package products for market. Modern hydraulic presses in centralized facilities help fast track extraction. Fair wages are paid out based on quantity and quality of nuts contributed individually. Profits generated are reinvested to upgrade facilities, expand operations and offer interest-free loans to members. This newfound financial autonomy has empowered Berber women economically and socially.

By tapping into growing global demand for natural, health-conscious items, argan oil cooperatives have been remarkably successful. High quality oil certified as organic by Ecocert can fetch over $100 per liter for export. Cooperatives now represent the dominant force in Morocco’s argan oil industry, accounting for 85-90% of total production volumes and revenues generated. This rise has pulled many rural families out of poverty while also preserving cultural practices.

Connection to Environmental Conservation

Concurrent with economic empowerment efforts, argan oil cooperatives have played a vital role in environmental protection of fragile argan forests. As custodians of this ecosystem, Berber women have traditionally practiced principles of sustainable resource management. However, increasing aridity and overgrazing of livestock threatened the long term viability of argan trees.

Through cooperatives, female farmers have taken a proactive role in ecosystem regeneration. By empowering rural communities and providing sustainable incomes, it decreases dependency on depleting natural resources through activities like firewood collection. This in turn allows argan forests a chance to recover from past degradation. Reforestation programs have also been undertaken in partnership with government agencies.

Since 2004, the arganeraie (argan forested region) has received official UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status in recognition of its biodiversity value as well as successful local management model. Only through involvement of local argan oil cooperatives can this fragile ecological balance be maintained. Their economic role has essentially aligned environmental interests with that of supporting community livelihood needs.

The cooperatives’ prosperity depends upon long term sustainability of argan forests and associated natural capital. Therefore, responsible production practices like organic certification as well as a reverence for nature have become deeply ingrained. By creating a protective buffer zone and regenerating degraded areas, argan trees now cover almost 1 million hectares, showing positive signs of recovery. The virtuous cycle linking people, cooperatives and ecosystems full ensures continuity for generations to come.

Argan Oil Cooperatives and Environmental Conservation
Argan Oil Cooperatives and Environmental Conservation

New Horizons and Lingering Challenges

Over the past 35+ years, argan oil cooperatives have revolutionized the industry as well as empowered rural women in monumental ways. They now represent a viable blueprint for equitable, ecologically-conscious business models globally. However, as with any rapidly growing sector, new hurdles continue to emerge requiring innovative solutions.

A key challenge stems from rising international demand continually outstripping available supply of quality argan nuts. This has driven up purchase prices, narrowing margins for cooperative members. There is also the risk of overharvesting or unsustainable practices if numbers are not carefully controlled. Cooperatives hence invest in education stressing quality over quantity among associate farmers.

Additionally, limited availability of young argan trees for replenishment poses another long term threat. Climate disruptions may exacerbate this through changing rainfall patterns. Cooperatives are tackling replanting on a priority basis in collaboration with government programs. Genetic research aims to develop new grafting techniques aiding faster seedling growth as well.

Moving forward, diversifying argan oil value added products offers exciting possibilities. New cosmetic, nutraceutical and culinary innovations continue hitting the global wellness market. Cooperatives aspire expanding activities into these verticals, creating further incomes. Quality standards require continued enhancement to access premium international certifications. This will help command even better rates to benefit Berber women sustainably over the long haul.

As one of the most remote, poverty-stricken parts of Morocco at the time cooperatives originated, the transformation brought has truly been miraculous. Future opportunities lie in cultivating younger generations as well as targeted eco-tourism promoting cultural heritage and argan-forest biodiversity. Overall, with their multi-pronged community-centric approach woven deftly around ecology, economics and tradition – argan oil cooperatives in Morocco stand poised to inspire positive change globally for years to come.

In this detailed blog post, I have attempted to shed light on the rich history and cultural significance of argan oil in Morocco. I also explored how cooperatives have played a pioneering role in economically empowering rural Berber women while simultaneously protecting unique argan forests over the past 3+ decades. Their ingenious, integrated local management model deftly linking social progress with environmental stewardship holds valuable lessons.

As global interest in natural, sustainably-sourced superfoods rises in tandem with health, wellness and ethical consumption trends – argan oil cooperatives are perfectly poised for even greater international recognition. Sustaining growth will require ongoing skills enhancement, quality upgrades, ecological regeneration initiatives and brand marketing. I am confident cooperative members are up to the task, having demonstrated remarkable resilience and innovative spirit thus far.

Morocco’s argan oil industry continues blazing an outstanding trail demonstrating how rural livelihood security, cultural heritage preservation and ecosystem protection can all be addressed in a cohesive, synergistic manner. Cooperatives set an inspiring precedent of grounding development in deep community roots and traditional knowledge systems. Their story of transforming remote villages into global enterprises tied to nature merits close study and sharing more widely. With continued support, argan oil and cooperatives will hopefully flourish as beacons of hope, empowerment and sustainability


FAQ 1: What are the main health benefits of argan oil?

Argan oil contains high levels of vitamin E, phenols and fatty acids which make it valuable for both culinary and topical use. It has antioxidant properties that protect skin from environmental damage. The oil also contains fatty acids oleic and linoleic acid which have anti-inflammatory qualities. When consumed or applied to skin/hair, argan oil improves circulation, aids in cell renewal and protects from aging. It can moisturize skin and treat acne, eczema and psoriasis when massaged in.

FAQ 2: How do argan oil cooperatives benefit local women?

Cooperatives organize argan oil production and processing on a commercial scale. This allows women to earn fair wages through harvesting, processing and selling larger quantities of argan nuts and oil collectively. Profits are reinvested for community development. Cooperatives have empowered Berber women both economically and socially by providing a sustainable livelihood and financial independence. They have helped lift many rural families out of poverty.

FAQ 3: What role do cooperatives play in environmental conservation?

By empowering communities through sustainable incomes, cooperatives decrease dependency on depleting natural resources like firewood collection. This allows fragile argan forests to recover. Cooperatives also undertake reforestation programs and help maintain the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status of argan forests. As their prosperity relies on long term sustainability of argan ecosystems, responsible production practices and regeneration efforts are important. This ensures the continuity of argan oil production for future generations.

FAQ 4: What challenges do argan oil cooperatives face?

Rising international demand is continuously outpacing available supply of quality argan nuts, driving up prices. There is a risk of overharvesting without careful controls. Limited availability of young argan trees for replanting also poses a threat, exacerbated by climate change impacts. Diversifying value-added products and enhancing quality standards to access premium markets also requires ongoing work. Skills enhancement and ecological regeneration initiatives will be key to sustainably meeting growing demand.

FAQ 5: What opportunities exist for cooperatives going forward?

Expanding into new cosmetic, nutraceutical and food product lines can create more income streams. Targeted eco-tourism initiatives could help promote cultural heritage, biodiversity conservation and cooperatives. Younger generations need to be engaged and cultivated as future community leaders. Strengthening international recognition and brand marketing will be important to command better prices and benefit members long-term. Ongoing innovation and adaptation will ensure the sustainability and positive impact of argan oil cooperatives.

FAQ 6: How can others learn from Morocco’s cooperative model?

The argan oil cooperative experience shows how rural development, cultural preservation, and environmental stewardship can be synergistically addressed through a community-centric approach. Linking social progress firmly with ecological responsibilities sets an inspiring precedent. Their model grounds action in deep traditional knowledge while creatively catalysing wider opportunities. With community buy-in, cooperatives have transformed remote villages into globally recognized enterprises maintaining integrity with nature. This experience merits close study and replication to inspire positive change elsewhere too.


Morocco’s argan oil cooperatives truly represent a pioneering success story with multifaceted economic, socio-cultural and environmental benefits. Over 35 years, they have revolutionised once marginal livelihoods into internationally competitive enterprises. While challenges remain, a commitment to sustainability, innovation and empowering women positions them well for ongoing contributions. As world interests in natural products and responsible business models grow, their experience offers valuable insights. With continued support, argan oil cooperatives will hopefully persist as icons of grassroots prosperity, cultural vibrancy and environmental guardianship for many generations to come.




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